Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Friday, Feb 12th 2016. It was just a normal day at the Store Kue Lumpur Bu Tati, where our lovely customers purchased a dozen of Kue Lumpur Bu Tati variation, this and that, sometimes its extremely difficult to tell what else do we serve in the outlet, mainly because there are over 30 variant of snacks available in the outlet. But Kue Lumpur Bu Tati is actually specialized in Kue Lumpur, and that is why we named it after Kue Lumpur. The Kue Lumpur itself are divided into 5 variants, there are; Kue Lumpur Pandan, Kue Lumpur Kelapa, Kue Lumpur Nangka, Kue Lumpur Ubi Ungu and Kue Lumpur Labu. But those are just the main product, we also serve substitute products such as Kelepon, Talam, Putri Mandi, Putri Noong, Lapis, Risoles Rogut, Risoles Smoked Beef, Pastel, Lemper, Roti Goreng and etc. Well basically what i was trying to say, it was just a normal day. Let's cut the bull and get back to the topic.
Speaking of topic, we were in the shop and one of our lovely customer does their usual customer's behavior where they asked for this and that and took a while to decide, and decided to taste our Klappertaart, since we were just launching for a week. Speaking of progress, we have been able to sold out all of our daily outlet stock since the first day we launched our product. Moment of silence, *tasting tasting* and guess what, she loved it! and started to make an order for 20 (Figure 1.1 and 1.2). it wasn't much, just 20, but it was our first order. The order is to be deliver on sunday morning around Bintaro area. So yeah we made it, our first order. If we're in a simulation game, yes we do earn a badge of achievement, but unfortunately we're in the real world and no one here to give a badge. But hey! that's why we're blogging innit? inn.. *Hi5*
So this is by far what we can share about our achievement, we'll be updating more about achievement in the future. May be our first 1000 production or 10,000 or 100,000 or if ALLAH will, a million production will be possible, Amin.
Before closing this topic we wanted to share some sneak peak of Kue Lumpur Bu Tati products, let's take a look:
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